In recent years, the Eau Claire Lakes Area has experienced powerful storms that produced a lot of rain in short periods of time. As a result, our lake levels have risen quickly before receding slowly. High water levels make our shorelines more vulnerable to erosion, either from normal wave action or manmade turbulence. Erosion in turn can negatively impact shoreline habitats and overall lake water quality. Members have told us this is of great concern to them. We are thinking creatively about ways we can educate the public about high water events and steps they can take to minimize damage. Andy Teal (Bayfield County) presented at our 2020 annual meeting on ways landowners can mitigate damage on their shorelines. In fall 2020 we submitted a WDNR Healthy Lakes & Rivers grant application to help landowners with projects to help reduce runoff to the lakes and improve nearshore habitat. Our application was fully funded. Below is a resource for homeowners about stabilizing shorelines.
“Shoreline Stabilization: A Guide for Homeowners and Conservationists” was published in 2021 by the Wisconsin Shoreline Stabilization Outreach Project, comprised of conservationists, technicians, and outreach specialists from 11 county conservation departments across Wisconsin, with assistance from Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection.
This guide is an educational tool for both homeowners and conservationists that explains the basic principles of shoreline management on residential properties. The information within is based on Wisconsin topography, soils, and shoreline dynamics.