Healthy Lakes Grant Continues Progress on Area Lakes
Frozen lakes provide the perfect setting to improve nearshore habitat. With winter in full swing, we’d like to thank a couple on Upper Eau Claire Lake who installed two fish stick complexes in December that will be partially submerged when spring arrives. These trees will provide feeding, breeding and nesting areas for all kinds of […]
Join Us for Our Annual Meeting on July 20!
Join us at the Barnes Town Hall this Saturday, July 20, for our annual meeting! Our business meeting will be followed by a presentation on Wisconsin’s elk herd by DNR Wildlife Biologist Josh Spiegel. This is an all-ages presentation so feel free to bring your family and friends! The business meeting will start at 9 […]
Our 2024 Newsletter Now Available to Download!
Our April 2024 newsletter was recently mailed to property owners in Barnes, Gordon and Highland and is now available to download! The newsletter includes information on our annual meeting which will have an update of the status of Wisconsin’s elk herd, and information about what you can do if you see sick, injured or entangled […]
Another Successful LEEP Day Under Our Belts!
This fall’s LEEP Day took place on September 26 on Bony Lake. 28 students and their teachers, 4 high school helpers, 16 volunteers and several DNR and County staff enjoyed a beautiful day focused on lake ecology. To learn more about this fall’s LEEP Day, click here.
Newly Introduced Legislation Threatens Our Lakes
Our mission guides us as a board and organization, always reminding us of our commitment to protect, preserve and improve the natural resources around us. So when new recreational uses of our lakes emerged – wakesurfing and wakeboarding – we took time to research the design of wake boats and the potential impacts of wake […]
We Give Thanks for Volunteers!
Happy Thanksgiving! We are taking a moment to thank those who generously volunteer their time to help our lakes and forests – like Tina Moseley, who volunteers on the Town of Barnes BAISS Boat! To read more about some of these wonderful volunteers and their favorite activities, click here.
USDA Issues Warning Regarding Unsolicited Seeds Mailed from China
Jill Jacoby, Douglas County AIS Coordinator, reports there have been people in our area who have received unsolicited mailings from China containing seeds. Residents in all 50 states have received these mailings and USDA officials are advising people to not plant the seeds, which are unknown and could be invasive species or be harmful to […]
Lock Between Middle and Lower is Closed for Repairs
The lock between Middle and Lower Eau Claire Lakes is now closed for repairs due to seepage issues. The dam alongside the lock was originally constructed of logs to impound and propel felled logs downstream during the late 1800s. It was called Smith Dam. At the outlet from Lower Eau Claire Lake was another log dam, […]
You Are Invited to Our Annual Meeting on July 15, 2023!
Join us on Saturday morning, July 15, for our annual meeting followed by a family-friendly presentation by Christian Cold on raptors found in our area.
FOECLA Awarded 2nd Healthy Lakes & Rivers Grant!
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded our second Healthy Lakes & Rivers grant from the DNR! Our application on behalf of area property owners was fully-funded. We will administer $10,000 for shoreline improvement projects this year and next. The projects will include rain gardens, infiltration and diversion practices, fish sticks, and […]